Reporting side effects
It is very much in Sano’s interest to ensure the greatest possible level of safety when its products are used.
If you wish to report an undesirable incident, which occurred at the time that you were using our product, please contact:
Sano Arzneimittelfabrik GmbH
Dornierstr. 4
71272 Renningen
You can also tell us about side effects directly by email, fax, or by using the online form:
Fax: +49 (0)7159 1637-717
By reporting side effects, you can contribute to making more information available about the safety of this medication.
Thank you.
Details of the person making the report (can remain anonymous)
Your identity will be kept strictly confidential
Personal data are limited to your initials or your date of birth or gender so that your data can be tracked properly.
The system encrypts the personal data so that your identity is never disclosed. If you provided your contact details: Your personal data are always treated with strict confidentiality.
If you have also agreed to provide your physician’s contact details, the Pharmacovigilance department may contact your physician only if relevant or significant data are missing or contradictory.
Note: Fields marked with * are mandatory.